How to Help Someone With PTSD
PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. According to the American Psychiatric Association, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that occurs in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, series of events, or set of circumstances. Examples of events that can cause someone to have PTSD are witnessing a crime or natural disaster, surviving a serious accident, being a victim of a crime, and even being in a war and fighting in combat.

When someone has PTSD, it can affect their well-being, causing them to have nightmares, flashbacks, triggers, fear, anger, rage, shame, and even depression. PTSD not only affects those who have it, but it also can affect their loved ones. So, if you know someone who struggles with PTSD, here are some amazing ways in which you can help them.
1. Be a Safe Space & a Safe Place
When you want to help someone with PTSD, you have to keep in mind what they have been through. Sometimes, helping someone with PTSD can be a challenge, but if you can show them patience and compassion, it will do wonders. Let them know that you can be a safe space and a safe place for them if they need to open up and talk, vent, or even have you there for moral support.
Also, when you tell someone you can be a safe place and safe space for them, they need to know they can be comfortable in your presence, confide in you, and trust you. You can do this by letting them know you are there for them and that they are not alone. When you help someone with PTSD, they need to know that whatever they tell you, it’s in confidence and that you won’t judge them, criticize them, or think any less of them.

Remember to keep in mind what they endured because PTSD can affect individuals in a variety of ways. One of the ways I try doing this is by putting myself in their mindset so I can gain perspective so that not only can I understand them, but they can also be comfortable to speak freely. If you want to help someone with PTSD, you have to be understanding and have sympathy because they’re counting on you to be that safe space and safe place for them.
2. Take Them to a Scenic Place (Outdoors)
Being outdoors and getting fresh air can do wonders for someone’s well-being, especially if you are helping someone with PTSD. If you’re spending the day with them, take them to their favorite place, a beach, a park, or even somewhere in the mountains. Taking them to a place outdoors can be very therapeutic. Letting them see the beauty of the nature they’re surrounded by can be very soothing and relaxing.

Being surrounded by scenery can be a lot to help someone with PTSD. They would be outdoors enjoying the weather and the landscape. If the sun is out, it can give them some Vitamin D and boost their mood so they can feel nothing but good vibes. Of course, this would also depend on whether this person likes warm weather. Some people love cooler or cold weather and would want to spend time in the mountains or somewhere with snow. But, even when there is snow, it is possible to have sunlight if you’re snowboarding or skiing down some mountains.
Basically, if you’re trying to help someone with PTSD by taking them to their favorite place, whether it’s somewhere with a beach or snowy mountains, it will give them some peaceful and tranquil vibes, thus boosting their mood and putting their mind at ease.
3. Help Find a Healthy Outlet
Having PTSD can affect someone physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When someone is trying to process everything they went through, their minds will wander, and it can add more stress and worry to what they already have. Which is why if you’re trying to help someone with PTSD, you can do that by letting them have a healthy outlet.
The healthy outlet that can be used to help someone with PTSD can be simple things. It can be taking up a hobby or a sport like kickboxing, tennis, rollerblading, jogging, etc. Doing a physical activity can help by keeping active, making someone tired physically, and leading to a good night’s rest.

Now, a healthy outlet doesn’t have to be something like partaking in a sport. You can also help someone with PTSD by doing a project. The project can be anything like painting, drawing, photography, a DIY art class, building something like a mancave or a she-shed, or even creating a vision board.

Finding a healthy outlet to help someone with PTSD is a great way to ease their minds and minimize their stress. Using a healthy outlet like participating in a sport or a project will help them get out of their heads and release the stress and burden they are carrying.
4. Art Therapy
Art therapy is my favorite form of therapy when I’m feeling overwhelmed and stressed. My grandfather served in Vietnam, and even though I remember him being a fun grandpa, I know he had PTSD upon returning home from being in the Army.
So, why is my Grandpa Will being mentioned in this section about art therapy?
Well, he loved to paint, and he was a very skilled artist. He became a firefighter after serving in the military, and I believe him doing a lot of paintings on canvas boards was his way of getting help to deal with his PTSD, even though PTSD probably wasn’t a term that was being used at the time.
Painting was a form of art therapy that helped my Grandpa Will with his PTSD, and I know it can help others who are living with PTSD and trying to cope with it.
When taking up art therapy to help someone with PTSD, it doesn’t have to be painting on canvas boards. It can be any type of medium, like a coloring book for adults, pottery, sculpting, sketching, drawing, or even painting something like a flower pot or a birdhouse.

Bottom line: Art therapy is very relaxing and soothing for those living with PTSD, and it’s a lovely sight to see when they complete the form of art they created.
Related: 5 Impactful Benefits of Art Therapy and Why You Should Try It
5. Show Them Silver Linings
No matter how chaotic a situation is, I believe there are always silver linings and bright sides, and if you cannot find them, try being a silver lining and a bright side for someone, especially if they’re dealing with PTSD.
One of the many ways you can provide silver linings is by leaving little messages with uplifting, positive quotes and affirmations that can be used as mantras or something to remind them how special and important they are. This can be done via text message, a written letter, or even on a post-it note where they can find it, like on a mirror or their favorite coffee mug. The important part is to make sure they see it so they will know.

Another way you can show silver linings to help someone with PTSD is by reminding them of the blessings they already have. You can also do this by reminding them that they themselves are silver linings and bright sides to you and the people around them. There are times when you try to help someone with PTSD; it’s not always going to be easy. It can be tough and challenging, but if you are patient and understanding, it will mean a lot because that person dealing with post-traumatic stress will know you are there for them and that you won’t give up on them either.
6. Animal Therapy
One of the best ways to help someone with PTSD is animal therapy. Dogs are best to be around when getting animal therapy. Dogs are gentle creatures who love unconditionally, and they are way smarter than we humans give them credit for. Dogs can also be protective in nature, and some people with PTSD do have service dogs, in which they are used for physical, emotional, and moral support.

Now, in order to receive some animal therapy, it doesn’t always have to be a dog, especially if someone is allergic to dogs. Other animals that can provide some well-needed animal therapy are cats, hamsters, bunny rabbits, and even fish you can have in a fish bowl or a little aquarium.

7. Constantly Pray
I am a Christian, and I believe in the power of prayer. Praying consistently for the well-being of someone dealing with PTSD can work wonders in so many ways that we don’t even know. When you want to be there to help someone with PTSD, and you feel clueless or at a loss, just keep praying for that person. God knows your heart and knows you want to be there for that person.

God also knows the hearts of those dealing with PTSD. He sees their struggles and their burdens, and when you pray for that person, it shows how much you really care. When I pray for those I care about, I have faith and know that God is with them all the way. I’ve seen miracles and blessings given to those who have PTSD and witnessed the work God is doing for them. It’s an incredible sight to see, and when you help someone with PTSD, them knowing that there are people praying for them can give them clarity to know that they are not alone.
Final Thoughts on Ways to Help Someone with PTSD
When you want to help someone with PTSD, whether it’s a family member, friend, colleague, significant other, or someone you just met, it can be tough and challenging. But if you are patient and show compassion and understanding, that will work wonders for those who struggle with PTSD. These seven ways in which you can help someone with PTSD can be very therapeutic for the someone you are helping, and trying these things can also help minimize their stress and put their minds at peace and at ease.
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